How to take care of a newborn baby

Before I start telling you what to do with your life and your family, let me tell you that my intention is not to make you feel shame if you don’t do these things. I want your life to be easy and your family to be happy. Here are a few simple things that I think will help you take care of a newborn baby. They definitely made things easier for me.

Also, I’m not offering medical advice.

Here’s how to take care of a newborn baby.


breastfeeding newborn baby - take care of a newborn baby

If you can, breastfeeding is a wonderful thing you can do for your newborn baby. It will keep them healthier and happier, and after you establish the breastfeeding relationship, it will keep you healthier and happier too. If you are considering tandem breastfeeding two children, here is a list of pros and cons.

A lot of people will tell you that breastfeeding is difficult, but don’t be scared because it can be very easy too.

Nursing is also very convenient. You won’t have to store anything, prepare anything, or heat anything. At the same time, it is a cure for all things baby.

If baby needs to eat, nurse. If the baby needs to sleep, nurse them to sleep. When baby needs to eat in the middle of the night, nurse them while they continue sleeping. When you need a moment of quiet with your baby, nurse them (I still do this with my two year old).


baby wearing newborn baby - take care of a newborn baby

You’re your baby’s favorite thing in the world. Their happiest place will be close to you, where they are safe and warm, they can feel your heart and your breathing, and they can even breastfeed.

When you wear them, you will have your hands free to do your thing while they feel loved and cared for.

You won’t have to go check on your baby every time they make a little noise or start fussing because they’re right there with you.

Also, a lot of babies have stomach pains when they’re little, and being upright will comfort them.

Cosleep and bed-share

sleeping newborn baby - take care of a newborn baby

We love bed-sharing!

The term cosleeping refers to sleeping in the same room your baby sleeps, and bed-sharing refers to sleeping on the same surface your baby sleeps.

Cosleeping is recommended by the WHO as it reduces the risk of SIDS, but bed-sharing is very controversial. However, you can bed-share safely.

We are following the same principle here. If your baby is happy and close, they won’t need you to comfort them, which will make your life easier.

You should learn how to breastfeed while lying in bed and fall asleep yourself. You’ll naturally sleep in a cuddle curl position, which will not let you or your partner roll on your baby. Here’s some great information on breastfeeding at night.

Start as you mean to go on

Don’t create habits that you know you will want to break later. Create the healthy habits you want to have as soon as it is age-appropriate.

For example, when A started to eat solid foods, we all got new healthier eating habits. A eats amazingly now, and we never have to tell him he can’t have candy because he just never had any. Anything he can ask for, we are happy to give to him.

On the other hand, I have never had any boundaries with A when it comes to breastfeeding. And now that I’m tandem breastfeeding and I need to set some boundaries, I wish I had done it earlier.

Keep things simple

The least things that occupy your mind and your space, the better. Here is my minimal list of baby essentials.

Take care of yourself

self-care coffee - take care of a newborn baby

This is not last because it is least important.

I know this is what mothers put last, myself included. You probably would scuff if I told you that the most important thing for your baby is that you take care of yourself. I know, taking care of a newborn baby doesn’t leave you much time to do anything else.

Do what you need to feel good. I allow myself to make myself a cup of coffee in the morning and my husband and kids let me have it hot. It takes 5 minutes, and it feels amazing. What feels more amazing is that I know I can always count on those 5 minutes.

Focus on yourself and your family during this time and let go of as much as possible. Spend your energy, time, and money only on things you need, which will make you happy or make your life easier.

Don’t even think about changing your diet or exercising unless you have recovered from the birth and you naturally feel like it.

Any projects you have that are not essential will have to wait a few months unless you naturally feel like doing them. Don’t invite anyone over if you don’t feel like it.

Lastly, if you are doing this with a partner or have other kids, remember that they are also going through many changes and it may be difficult for them. Give them some love and grace while you give yourself some love and grace.

Peacefully parenting a newborn baby

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